Home Quarantine For Covid-19 Confirmed Case

What Is Home Quarantine?

With the increase in daily cases, most of the hospitals and quarantine places have already been flooded with a lot of positive infected people who need intensive care. We also see some of the hospitals forced to place the victims at the receptionist area, hallways even the basement parking lots due to fully occupied wards. This is why home quarantine is needed. Home quarantine is a process where the positive infected Covid-19 person with no symptom (asymtomatic) (catergory 1) or with mild symptoms (category 2) stays at home and isolates himself with proper guidelines.

Criteria For Confirmed Case To Do Home Quarantine?

  • Confirmed positive COVID-19 with no symptoms
  • Confirmed positive COVID-19 with mild symptoms
  • Has Caregiver at home
  • The person and also the people in the home are not from the high-risk group
  • Can be contact through phone all the time
  • Has a suitable room to be used for home-isolation

The Do’s And Don’t’s For Home Quarantine

  • Stays in a different room from other people, preferably a room with a toilet in it.
  • Always stay at home, do not go out unless for medical emergencies
  • Always make sure can be contacted
  • Make sure the room has proper ventilation, open the window everyday
  • Avoid interacting with other people face-to-face, if really need to interact, maintain social distance and both people need to wear face masks
  • Dispose the tissues and face masks used with a sealed plastic bag and throw into the dustbin
  • Always sanitize or wash hands with soap
  • Do not receive any visitors
  • Eat health foods with complete nutrients
  • Do not share any appliances, or utensils with other people in the home
  • Always update the self-report at Mysejahtera apps and to the healthcare assistant that will contact you
  • Check your oxygen level regularly, the normal one should be 95% or higher

home quarantine

How To Home Quarantine?

Firstly, you will receive a call from the PKD (Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah) that informs you to do home quarantine and to get information of your close contacts, you also will get a ‘PUSH-NOTIFICATION” from the Mysejahtera regarding your result. Bangle will be given as well, to the infected person and close contacts. Then, you will be asked to do a self-report for 10 days.


In the self-report, you need to update the symptoms like fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and runny nose. Usually, after 5 days of getting infected, these are the symptoms that the person will experience.  Even so, if the symptoms are getting worse, for example:

For adults, continuous fever, continuous vomiting or diarrhea, chest pain, loss of appetite to eat, and less urinating while same goes for children with extra symptoms like seizure, cold feet, please contact the CAC (COVID-19 Assessment Center) or nearest clinic. Call 999 or straight away go to the hospital if any emergency happens. After 10 days, if no symptoms are left, you can stop home quarantine after you are confirmed to be well from the CAC healthcare and get the release letter. If you still have symptoms after 10 days, you will be asked to continue home quarantine from the CAC.

Last but not least, please do get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated because the vaccine it can lower the risk of us getting into chronic stages and reduce the spread of the disease.