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AED HeartSine Samaritan 500P

Defibtech Lifeline View
The AED HeartSine Samaritan PAD 500P was designed especially for use in public areas by providing a sophisticated defibrillator for adult or paediatric use, lightweight, compact and easy-to-operate system; from professional responders, to untrained lay rescuer. Unlike other AEDs, this unit comes with CPR Advisor and uses an Impedance Cardiogram (ICG) to accurately assess CPR effectiveness.
The Lifeline VIEW AED has a full-colour interactive display that shows step-by-step videos for performing CPR, and defibrillation. The video also acts as a CPR coach. This life-saving device is light, compact, design with military-grade specifications and easy to operate for trained responders and lay rescuers. It provides clear guidance aided with visual and audio prompt for effective CPR.
CPR Advisor with real-time instructions with audible “Push Harder” or “Good Compressions” or “Push Slower” by using ICG software
Video and voice coaching with metronome
8 years
8 years
4 years
2 years
4 years
4 years
Requires paediatric pads
Requires paediatric pads
Lithium Manganese Dioxide
Lithium Manganese Dioxide
20 x 18.4 x 4.8
18.5 x 24 x 5.8