The Benefits of Emergency Response Plan Training | ERP Training

The basics of Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in a company

The steps taken within the few minutes in an emergency situation should be a basic knowledge for everyone. An emergency warning to workers to evacuate, finding shelter can spare lives. The ability to provide a full and accurate information when calling for emergency services will result in sending the correct assistance equipped with gears according to the situation. Employees who have knowledge in basic first aid or knows how to perform CPR will be also crucial in reducing fatality in an emergency situation. Employees and workers who are equipped with building and process systems knowledge can assist in minimizing the damage to workplace and facility.

First step in development of an emergency response plan is to identify the potential emergency situation through performing a risk assessment. An understanding of what could happen will enable you to decide resources required and to develop plans and system to prepare for the crisis.The objective of the emergency plan is to prepare the performance objectives.

It is compulsory for every organization to implement and develop an emergency plan for staff, visitors and others in the organization.  “Life safety protection” is part of the emergency response plan that includes sheltering from disastrous weathers or chemical spillage, building evacuation or also known as fire drills and lockdown, is a protective action when dealing with threatening violence.

Life safety will always be the first priority when an emergency situation occurs. Effort to counter the crisis would be the second priority. Various actions can be taken to handle the situation and reduce the damage. Employees that undergoes first aid and CPR training could save lives, ability to handle fire extinguishers and knowledge of fire fighting can reduce fire damage, containment and action towards minor chemical spill that could prevent environmental damage.

Emergency Response Team (ERT) Training (2 days)

Life Safety – Protective measures for employees 

Evacuation or also known as relocation to areas which are deemed safe from hazards such fire or chemicals spill within workplace. Sheltering requires everyone move to the most stable part of the building and clear of hazardous item such as exterior glasses and fragile furniture in the crises of natural disasters such as earthquake or heavy storm. Lockdown occurs to protect employees in an event of aggressive violence where everyone hide and barricade to defend themselves from the aggressor.

Life Safety protective measures:

  • Evacuation
  • Sheltering
  • Lockdown

If the workplace is situated in multi office building, you’ll need to check with the building management of their emergency plan and coordinate together.

Chemical Management Spill Drill Training (2 days) | CERT Academy

Emergency Response training and exercises for company’s employee

Providing emergency response training for employees so they are able to detect early warnings and signs of emergency situation, hence respond to it accordingly. Discuss emergency plans with employees so that they are familiar with their roles and responsibilities assigned to them. Emergency drills are recommended to be held often so that everyone would recognize the early sign of warning such as alarm and familiar with the escape routes or safety areas in the organizations. Observe and identify if there’s any communication failure or inefficiency on the actions taken (eg: slow respond rate, confusion of own roles and responsibilities, communication barrier)

10 Steps for reviewing Emergency Response Plan

  1. Identify potential risk – Evaluate and highlight potential crisis in risk assessment.
  2. Preparedness for emergency event – Determine and evaluate the capabilities of assets for incident stabilization, taking account of staff who undergo safety training / first aid training, the proper equipment within workplace premises
  3. Establish hazard specific respond procedures – Respond and report accordingly to the proper emergency services ( bomba, police and ambulance ) – eg: type of incidents, number of victims.
  4. Applicable management regulation – Address applicable management rules in the plan if there is any related to emergency planning at your workplace.
  5. Protective action – Establish life safety protective actions (evacuation, shelter, lockdown)
  6. Emergency procedures – Establish emergency procedures for hazardous and threatening situation.
  7. Communication and report – Emergency planning should include proper communication with emergency services (bomba, ambulance, police) in the event of emergency situation
  8. Organization should prepare their employees to undergo safety training, first aid training or emergency response plan training so they’re able to play their roles in an emergency situation
  9. Conduct drill annually to ensure every employee understand the emergency plan

Find out more about about emergency response plan training and various emergency response training courses